Thanks for registering your interest – we’re here to help your child catch up, feel more confident, master their subjects, and achieve more from life!
Tailored learning packages for all ages & abilities
A physical learning centre plus online learning system
Engaging, interactive material to prevent boredom
A dedicated Eye Level Support Tutor
If you need to contact us directly, you can email info.uk@myeyelevel.com or call 07795 142002
We look forward to talking with you soon!

Why do parents choose Eye Level?
Who better to answer that question than our parents themselves? Here’s what they have to say about their experience of Eye Level tuition:
“The boys have been doing diagnostic tests at school for the past few weeks to ascertain their individual abilities. Both boys have come out ahead in all their English and Maths. This is a huge progression starting the year ahead of everything for their age and just confirms how well Eye Level is working for them”.

“He has more confidence and he doesn’t give up as easily. He can look back and realise how far he has come which is brilliant!”

“I really like the Critical Thinking workbooks which I didn’t find from other options out there”

“We tried another provider first but he didn’t enjoy the plain looking books and we ended up in constant battles to complete the work. As he had not practised maths much before, he needed more attractive and inviting material and Eye Level did this. In addition, the staff are so helpful and hands on, and are appealing to the whole community and if my son gets stuck he gets help whether this has been remotely or in the centre. They are also great at identifying where he may need more practice and where his strengths are too, so it’s very personable”

“My children really enjoy Eye Level. Learning is fun and that’s how it should be.”

“My children’s confidence has massively increased. They’ve learned a methodical way of thinking and solving problems and now have a real thirst for learning outside of school.”

“Since doing Eye Level our Year 1 son has developed into a fluent and confident reader with an excellent sight vocabulary. He is able to remember what he has read and can discuss the subject matter and make predictions about the text. Furthermore, following the writing programme means he can now write sentences with minimal support and we love reading his creative stories and poetry from class!”

“Eye Level offers exactly what I was looking for; reinforcing maths topics and ensuring the student does not move on to the next level/topic before mastering the level he is currently on. My son also does English & Critical Thinking (the latter I have not seen offered anywhere and is key at entrance exams eg11+ so we don’t need to change provider in year 5)”

“My son’s development in maths, English and critical thinking has been very noticeable. The curriculum is relevant to school and we like that the majority of work is completed in class. As parents, we feel involved but it complements family life rather than becoming another chore to complete”

“My daughter now has a much better relationship with maths. She has moved up a set at school and is no longer struggling to understand concepts.”

“We are especially thankful for Eye Level instructors because they were there during the pandemic from day one. It was very nice to see how our daughter learned to use online tools. She looked forward to meeting her tutor every week and receiving the workbooks and teaching tools in the post each month. Now we are back at school, she’s proud that she is doing so well and we have decided to stay with ON AIR because it is so convenient for us.”

“After 2 years of Eye Level my children labelled as average for life by their school are now exceeding in all subjects. The children have developed a real passion for maths and enjoy the feeling of their hard work paying off, being top of the class”

“It is so good to see smiles on our girl’s faces in the morning when they go to school because they are not worried, they are not stressed and they know they can always ask Eye Level if they don’t understand something”

“We no longer suffer melt downs at the mention of Maths work! No more fights or struggles which is a welcome change!“